A simple explaination between Unit Tests and Integration Tests

Testing is an extremely important aspect of the software development lifecycle. Without it, how can we ensure that the code works as we’d expect given a set of requirements? You’ve probably heard about a few different kinds of tests: unit, integration, and functional. For the purposes of this post, we won’t be discussing functional testing here, as it’s somewhat disjointed (and layered upon) integration and unit testing.

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Linked Lists - An Explaination and Implementation in C

One big topic we hit on in my data structures class is linked lists. To me, this was such an abstract concept and one I felt as if I didn’t have a good grasp on initially. After visiting my professor’s office hours to get a better understanding of this (which he did a great job at explaining it, for the record!), I took it upon myself to really have a deep understanding of not only what these are, but to implement them in a given language and then turn around and explain it to others who were in my position with not understanding of what they were.

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Why List Comprehension is Quicker Than Append

When I took my Python class, I remember my professor saying that list comprehension is much quicker than using append() and I never could understand the reason as to why even after it was explained to me more times than I wanted to. Now that I’m working towards my degree in Software Engineering, I revisited this question and decided it was time to have a deep understanding of why this was.

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PyNimbus - A Python Package to Organize NWS Data

For quite some time, I’ve wanted to release some kind of Python package to make a contribution towards the community. After a lot of planning, pondering, determining if it’s worth putting time and effort into, and noodling through my spaghetti code, I have finally decided it was time to pull the trigger and go for it.

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Creating a Discord bot using discord.py Rewrite

Discord is a platform designed for creating communities. It utilizes text and voice channels in a “server”. In these servers, users can invite bots to aid in server management, to help users with a specific task, or to entertain users with a text-based game.

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Top 10 Largest Tornadoes on Record

Tornadoes, in my opinion, are one of nature’s most fascinating phenomena. They come in all shapes, sizes, and intensities and occur all around the world. The United States is responsible for a good portion of these tornadoes, with a large amount being in Dixie Alley and Tornado Alley.

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How to use BUFKIT

BUFKIT is an analysis tool kit, and it’s used by forecasters to better understand what is happening with the atmosphere by looking at it vertically. It’s a widely used tool, from forecasters in the National Weather Service to hobbyists, and looks great on resumes for those meteorology students who wish to go into an operational forecasting position.

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May 31 Weather History - 3 Major Events

A lot of people know this day to be the day a devastating tornado hit the town of El Reno. However, there were two other significant weather events that occurred, both of which took place in Pennsylvania. All of these events had devastating effects on their communities.

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Generating Maps using Basemap

I’ve had a few people ask me the question “what do you use to generate your maps?” I presume a lot of people think I use GIS, but in fact I don’t – I use python instead.

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